Daali at the ICFO-Weizmann School on the Frontiers of Light
Daali will be present at the ICFO-Weizmann School on the Frontiers of Light. Professor Darrick Chang co-organizes the school and several students and postdocs from ICFO involved in DAALI will attend.
The ICFO-Weizmann School on the Frontiers of Light school will expose young researchers to some of the recent exciting approaches aimed at creating a powerful new generation of atom-light interfaces and the resulting possibilities. The new platforms to be covered include ordered atomic arrays, ensembles of Rydberg atoms, atomic interfaces with nano- and micro-photonic structures, and superconducting circuit QED-based systems.
This joint school will be held in-person at the ICFO & Weizmann hubs, with lectures & seminars at one location simulcast to the other.
The online sessions are available here: https://frontiers.icfo.eu/home-2021/