Julien Laurat

Julien Laurat Honored with 2024 Jean Jerphagnon Award

Prof. Julien Laurat from Sorbonne University and a DAALI partner recently received the Jean Jerphagnon Prize from the French Optical Society.. This award crowns Laurat’s pioneering work, who developed the world’s most efficient quantum memory at the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel – LKB (Sorbonne Université/CNRS/PSL Research University). This quantum memory leverages laser-cooled neutral atoms technology. It also recognizes his remarkable contributions to optics and photonics, highlighting the significance of his innovative research and its potential for industrial applications.

Julien Laurat leads the Quantum Networks team at the Kastler Brossel Laboratory, where his work focuses on developing new interfaces between light and cold atoms, generating non-classical states of light, and implementing quantum information protocols. He has also been the recipient of two ERC grants, one in 2012 and another in 2023.

Laurat founded the company Welinq in 2022, a startup dedicated to pioneering advancements in quantum networking and access to future quantum supercomputers.

The DAALI project congratulates member Julien Laurat on this extremely well-deserved recognition and looks forward to his continued contributions to the field.

Watch the vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXziI5cnFjI