Jérémy Berroir, researcher from the Quantum Networks team at Kastler Brossel Lab (LKB) and DAALI’s consortium member, participated in the workshop organized in the framework of the NonGauss project.

The workshop was held in the La Sorbonne University Campus (Paris) from 27th to 28th June 2022. Berroir offered the talk entitled “Optical switching with cold atoms trapped around a nanofiber“.
The workshop covered diverse activities in the field of quantum optics and quantum information technologies, ranging from quantum state engineering to waveguide-QED and superconducting qubits. It combined 12 talks from internationally-recognized experts in their respective fields, including students and postdoctoral researchers.
The NonGauss is an H2020 funded project aimed at significantly strengthen the tools and methods of non-Gaussian quantum technology.